
Breast reduction

Breast reduction is a procedure to remove excess fat in the breast, get rid of excess skin and tighten the remaining skin to achieve a breast size in proportion with your body, While many patients resort to such surgery to reduce and alleviate the physical pain associated with the large size of the breast such as the neck, back pain and shoulder pain in addition to feeling uncomfortable when exercising.

Preparation for
breast reduction surgery


You should be healthy and do not have any health or physical problems.
You should follow your surgeon's instructions before and after surgery.

Breast reduction procedure steps

  1. Anesthesia

  2. The incision: The surgeon opens a slit below the breast and this incision in the form of inverted T, but it leaves clear scars to disappear gradually over time.

  3. Removing tissue and repositioning: Remove the excess skin and tighten the remaining skin to get a consistent breast after removing excess breast tissue.


Breast reduction - dr mahmoud fakiha

Benefits of breast reduction

  1. Reduce breast size and lift the drooping breast.

  2. Get the perfect body.

  3. Increase self-confidence.


Side effects of breast reduction surgery

  1. Many women suffer from pain in breast area in the first days after surgery and this pain disappear gradually over time as well as swelling and bruises lasting several weeks, to reduce this swelling, the surgical bra should be worn 24 hours a day.

  2. In some cases, a small tube should be placed in each breast to help drain blood and fluids.

  3. Changes in nipple or breast sensation, which may be temporary or permanent.

  4. Exercise must be avoided for one month to avoid any complications.

  5. Breast reduction surgery may leave visible scars on the breasts disappear gradually over time.

    read also :  breast augmentation  - Breast liftMale gynecomastiaBreast reconstruction .
